Loyal Dentist - Vero Beach, FL

Get to Know Dr. Kristen Wild

Vero Beach Florida dentist

Originating from Fort Myers, FL, Dr. Kristen Wild finds it incredibly fulfilling to be able to help patients enhance and preserve their oral health while transforming their pearly whites into something they can be proud to show off. She also enjoys building strong relationships with everyone who walks through our doors and looks forward to every day she has the chance to make a positive change in someone’s life. Before arriving for your appointment, feel free to read on to learn more about her and her achievements.

Why Did You Decide to Become a Dentist?

Dr. Wild has always had a great relationship with her dentist and dental team during her youth while undergoing regular checkups and cleanings or when she was working through orthodontic treatment. She loved the way dentistry was able to combine science, art, and technology to assist people in improving their oral health while also boosting their self-confidence to enhance their quality of life. Today, she aspires to do the same for her patients, that way they can feel just as comfortable and confident about their dental care as she was.

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Dr. Wild studied at Nova Southeastern University and majored in Biology. She later went on to attend their dental school to earn her dental doctorate. Before coming to our team, she worked at Fort Pierce for a couple of years gaining experience and growing her expertise. She remains passionate about continuing education to refine her skills while remaining up to date with the latest advancements in the field. She’s also an active member of several professional organizations, including the American Dental Association and the Florida Dental Association.

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

If you don’t see her at the office treating patients’ pearly whites, Dr. Wild is likely spending much of her time with her husband (and college sweetheart) and their pet dog and cat. They live close to family in Vero Beach and enjoy many activities together, such as fishing, going to concerts, and enjoying the beach. In her free time, she also loves reading and staying active with exercise. One fun fact about her: she absolutely loves animals and hopes to have a farm one day!