Zirconia Dental Implants: The Benefits of Biocompatibility

August 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — oceanoaks @ 4:18 pm
a smiling man

Replacing missing teeth can be a wonderful experience, especially if your results look and feel completely natural. Dental implants are a leading-edge treatment that have the ability to restore one, several, or all of your teeth. While they’re typically crafted from titanium, which is a biocompatible metal, modern dentists also offer zirconia implants as a metal-free alternative with countless additional benefits. Read on to learn more about the benefits of biocompatible zirconia dental implants and why they may be a good option for you.

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

Dental implants are screw-shaped structures that are designed to replace the roots of your natural teeth, as they’re surgically placed within the jawbone. While they’re usually made from titanium, many dentists also offer a more allergy-friendly alternative crafted from zirconia. These are typically single-piece appliances as opposed to two-piece titanium implants, and due to their natural appearance, they blend in with the restoration themselves.

After zirconia dental implants are secured within the jawbone, they undergo a natural process called osseointegration, which is when they fuse with the bone. This makes them an incredibly supportive foundation for a crown, bridge, or denture, providing exceptional chewing strength and stability.

The Benefits of Zirconia Implants

Zirconia dental implants offer three distinct benefits from their titanium counterparts, including:

  1. Exceptional Functionality: Zirconia is a very durable and strong material that’s highly resistant to corrosion, allowing your implants to last longer. Additionally, due to their single-piece, streamlined design, any potential weaknesses, like a loose abutment, are eliminated.
  2. Superior Aesthetics: Zirconia is a tooth-colored material that can be custom-shaded to flawlessly blend in with your surrounding teeth and restorations. With titanium implants, they can leave a gray or metal-colored shadow beneath the gums.
  3. Improved Health: Because your dental implants will be metal-free, you won’t have to worry about the potential for an allergic reaction. Additionally, the design of zirconia implants allows the gum tissue to regrow around the abutment, which can reduce the chances of gum recession down the road.

Zirconia dental implants take a modern, highly successful treatment and make it even safer, eliminating many concerns and doubts that some patients, like those with allergies and sensitivities, may have.

About the Practice

Drs. Robert McDonald and Mariya Pecheny lead our team at Ocean Oaks Dental Group of Vero Beach. We love helping patients achieve the best versions of their smiles, and our experts are well-versed in rebuilding grins impacted by tooth loss. We use high-tech instruments and techniques to plan and design every aspect of dental implant treatment, including rapid prototyping and on-site color matching, to make sure the results are phenomenal. For questions or to schedule a consultation, visit our website or call 772-569-4424.