Takeoff Time: Deciding When to Travel After Dental Implants

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — oceanoaks @ 6:14 pm
A man trying to get to his plane after receiving dental implants

Embarking on new adventures is exciting, but if you’ve recently undergone dental implant surgery, you may need to wait.  As with many surgeries, timing is critical, especially if you’ve had a more complex procedure.

If you want to know how long you’ll need before you set off into the sky again, continue reading. You’ll learn all you need about dental implant surgery to make an informed decision.

Why Does Timing Matter After Dental Implant Surgery?

Any amount of surgery comes with some recovery time. Your tissues, whether that’s your gums or your bones, should be allowed to heal somewhat before you put them in a strenuous environment. While the cabin of an airplane may not seem like a big deal to you, your gums may disagree.

How Long Should I Wait After Getting Dental Implants to Travel?

It depends. If you’ve received a simple dental implant with no complications, you could fly as soon as the surgery is over. However, there are several factors at play when deciding whether you are fit to travel after getting dental implant surgery:

Number of Implants:

The more implants you’ve had, the more time you’ll need to recover from your surgery while the gum tissue and underlying bone recover. Therefore, it’s best to wait a week or so before any strenuous travel.

Sinus Lift:

Sometimes your implant surgery cannot continue without a sinus lift. This is a procedure that raises the sinus membrane above the upper jaw to allow more space and bone for an implant to sit. It’s best to wait 10 – 14 days after a sinus lift before traveling, especially on an airplane.

Bone Graft:

Bone grafts are often a part of a sinus lift treatment, but they can also be performed separately. These grafts take bone from one part of the body and bond it to another. You may need to undergo a bone graft before getting a dental implant if there’s not enough structure for support. Again, you should wait 10 – 14 days before traveling after a bone graft.

Tips For Flying After Dental Implant Surgery

Here are some tips that will make your flight a lot more convenient after your dental implant surgery:

  • Carry some extra gauze with you in your carry-on. You may need to switch it out with a fresh one every 30 to 40 minutes. Use the bathroom to change it out and stay sanitary.
  • Avoid hard, chewy, or spicy foods during your flight. These can irritate the area around your implant. Instead, opt for a more liquid diet of soups and shakes.
  • If you’re taking pain medication that makes you drowsy, be sure to tell your flight attendant. This can avoid confusion or concern over your abnormal sleepiness.

With these things in mind, you’re ready to take on the world after dental implant surgery. Travel is stressful enough without worrying about the condition of your mouth. Take good care of your dental hygiene while traveling and notify your dentist if any complications arise. Happy trails!

About the Practice

Dr. Robert Bruce McDonald and Dr. Mariya Pecheny are your skilled dental experts at Ocean Oaks Dental Group of Vero Beach. They pride themselves on their top-quality dental work and the relaxing atmosphere they’ve created. Their friendly staff is ready to answer all your questions about dental implants and beyond with a smile. If you want a practice that uses up-to-date dental technology to ensure painless and affordable treatment, you’ve come to the right place. Call (772) 569-4424 to schedule a dental implant consultation or visit the website to dive into the other services they provide.