Ageless Attributes: How Dental Implants Make You Look Younger

October 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — oceanoaks @ 6:14 pm
Dentist holding her face in the background and holding a model dental implant in the foreground

If you’re looking for a reliable and long-lasting way to replace your missing tooth, dental implants are an excellent solution. Unlike dentures and dental bridges, they include a support rod that fuses with your jawbone to function like the root of a natural tooth. This means they have some unique advantages over the other options. Did you know that some of these can help you look younger? Keep reading to learn 3 ways that dental implants can preserve a more youthful appearance!

#1: Dental Implants Protect Facial Structure

In an ideal world, we would maintain our bone density well into our later years. The truth is, however, that our bones tend to grow weaker with age. Not only that but if you’ve lost a tooth, your body reabsorbs surrounding matter because it’s no longer needed. As a result, your jaw begins to deteriorate which leads to changes in your facial structure, like sagging cheeks and a less defined jawline.

Fortunately, because dental implants are inserted into the space left behind by your teeth, they provide the stimulation necessary to keep your jawbone active and healthy. This helps safeguard your face and gives your remaining teeth the foundation they need.

#2: Dental Implants Avoid Further Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is so common that nearly 1 in 5 adults over 65 years old have lost all their teeth. Your jaw continues to weaken with each one lost until eventually it becomes too weak to hold them. This can greatly impact your daily quality of life because our teeth play such a crucial role in eating and speaking. It can be both frustrating and embarrassing to feel like you can’t do basic tasks that once were so simple.

Dental implants, however, prevent this from happening because they stimulate your jawbone so that your remaining pearly whites have a strong support. By getting a dental implant now, you can avoid losing more teeth down the road.

#3: Dental Implants Look and Feel Authentic

Sticking to a restricted diet is no fun, and can leave you feeling nostalgic for years past when you didn’t need to be so worried about what you ate. If you’re missing teeth, however, you’ll have a hard time biting and chewing. Thankfully, dental implants are embedded permanently into your jaw so you’ll be able to eat and drink just like you did in years past. As a bonus, you won’t have to worry about hard or sticky foods dislodging your dental work like with other treatments.  

About the Practice

Dentists at Ocean Oaks Dental Group of Vero Beach have been at the forefront of dentistry since 1962. You’ll benefit from a skilled dental team with decades of experience providing a full range of services that meet your individual needs. We utilize top-of-the-line technology to ensure you get the most advanced treatments that get accurate, long-lasting results. If you’d like to make an appointment, you’re welcome to contact the office on the website or by calling (772) 569-4424.